Sunday, May 23, 2010


I can hardly contain myself.
The SERIES finale of LOST is on tonight!
It's a 4 1/2 hour event - I will be glued to the TV for every minute of it.

I must say, so far this season, I've been a little disappointed with the way things are rounding out (it's really all about "the light"?), but I am hoping that tonight every question I have ever had will be answered.
This seems like a tall order, but I am really counting on Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof to deliver, otherwise I may find myself questioning what the last six years have been all about - and that's a philosophical trip I don't want to take.

I have never experienced a show like LOST before.
It's not a show that you can casually watch, catching episodes here and there.
Once you start watching, you're hooked. On many occasions I have found myself beyond confused, but it's a fun confusion and I am always anxiously anticipating the next week's episode.
It's like one big puzzle and it's been fun trying to put the pieces together over the last six seasons!

We're not having a LOST party - although we've seen some pretty nifty ideas for ones - but other than my brothers and a couple of friends, I don't know any true Losties. So it's just me and David, a bunch of snacks and the couch for the evening!
I will either be ecstatically happy after the next 4.5 hours, or I will be an irrational mess, demanding that I be given the last six years of my life back.
I hope it's the former!

Here's to a great six years of TV.
I don't know what will ever be able to take its place.

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