Friday, January 30, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

Bonnie tagged me on Facebook to list 25 random things about myself. I update my blog more than I do Facebook, so I thought I would do it here.

1. I am very methodical when it comes to eating my food. Each food has a specific way that it has to be eaten.
2. I am afraid of the dark and slept with some sort of light source through high school. I still freak out when David turns the lights off.
3. I have a scar on the outer corner of my left eye that was caused by a boomerang. We were living in Texas when it happened and the next week at school I had to take a school picture dressed as a cowboy. My picture says "Maverick Morgan" and I love it because my huge scab looks bad-a!
4. My brother and I had domesticated rats as pets that we got from our uncle who worked in Animal Control. They have a very interesting story. Just ask.
5. I was born with 11 missing permanent teeth. Many of the teeth I currently have are my baby teeth. My older brother is missing 13 and my younger brother is missing 9. We are genetic freaks.
6. I HATE the sound of a toilet flushing. I don't normally have sensitive hearing, but it hurts my ears for some reason.
7. I am unable to cross my eyes or wink with my left eye.
8. I like speaking in classes because I love the feeling of validation when I know I'm right. I cringe and turn bright red when I can tell that the teacher thinks my idea is not correct, and then I rack my brain to try to think of something else I can say to redeem myself.
9. I laugh at people when they make a mistake while speaking. They usually become very angry with me.
10. I want children, but I really want to have girls. I don't know how to play boy games.
11. I cried when I got my bangs cut. Haircuts are usually very traumatic for me.
12. When I think of something bad that I've done, I shiver/twitch. It's involuntary and embarrassing.
13. I love the smell of garlic. I love the smell of it cooking, or when I chop it and the smell lingers on my hands for hours.
14. I love cleaning. I scrutinize other peoples' cleaning and usually feel that I could have done a better job than they did.
15. I can have entire conversations in Saved By the Bell "speak". That is how obsessed I was with the show.
16. I am obsessed with the scene in Enchanted where the chipmunk Pipp tries to get the prince to figure out what he is trying to say. It makes me laugh until my stomach hurts and I'm crying.
17. I like knowing peoples' secrets and I try to do my best not to gossip. Often I don't do a very good job. I'm working on it.
18. I have two red dots on either side of my forehead. They look like places where butterfly antennae would go. David calls me his butterfly and I love it.
19. I have never been able to see the picture in Magic Eyes. I get very angry when I think about it.
20. I want to be a writer like David Sedaris.
21. I wish I were better at baking, singing and running.
22. I hold the nickname record in my family. I think the final count is 12. My favorite is Carcamon Craze, because it has a song that goes along with it, courtesy of my brother, Aron.
23. I hate running, but I hate the thought of being overweight more.
24. I judge people based on their taste in literature.
25. I once ate an entire box of Nutty Bars in one sitting. Little Debbies are my kryptonite.


Anonymous said...

haha...I like that part in Enchanted favorite is when Pipp says, "It's good" (about the apple) that makes me laugh everytime! :)

Anonymous said...

You think you know someone, and then you read 25 random things on their blog and you realize that there's still more to learn. Your life stories crack me up (in a good way)!