Saturday, November 14, 2009


I know I haven't posted in what feels like a very long time. Here is my excuse, or excuses, really.

1. We just moved again for the third time in one year; that equals four different houses we have lived in in ONE YEAR. The thought alone makes me feel tired. With David consumed with school, that left me to do most of the packing and unpacking. I hope this house will be a winner. I guess it has to be for at least the length of our one-year lease! We're really liking it so far. . .

2. I have been working more hours at my current job at SPANX. Which is great, but means less time that I'm willing to sit in front of a computer once I'm home for the day.

3. David has contracted the flu. I hate the word "contracted", but it's late, and my mind is not willing to think of another word at the moment. We're not sure if it's H1N1. We don't think so since his fever is not as high as what it's supposed to be with H1N1. Neither of us have had the flu in a really long time, so we had forgotten how dreadful it is. I'm pretty sure that if you offered to put David out of his misery right now, he might say yes. He's passed out twice, once hitting his head on the side of our bathtub. He has the worst cough I've heard in a while (it's one of those horrible coughs where it just keeps going and going till you're eventually gagging). His body is so achy, I can't even touch him without him wincing. It's pretty much hell. I'm trying to be a good doctor and keep him full of liquids and Vitamin C and make sure he gets enough protein and rest, but I feel kind of helpless as far as being able to really alleviate his pain. I'm running on four days of no sleep and I feel like I'm running out of steam. We're trying to be really careful and keep a safe distance so I don't get sick, but it's excruciating, because all I want to do is cuddle and hug and kiss him till he feels better. I know David is really stressed out, because he has missed three days of school and now feels really behind - and he doesn't seem to be getting much better yet. On top of it all, today was the marathon and half marathon we were supposed to run. David trained so hard for this race. We were both so excited about running. Of course he would get the flu the week of the race. It figures. We talked about heading to the race for me to run, but decided that it might not be a good idea in terms of keeping me healthy. We feel like I have to be incubating the virus, and we were afraid that running 13 miles might be too much for my immune system. Plus, running on four days of no sleep would have probably resulted in me curled up on the side of the road, crying. This all adds up to a less than ideal couple of weeks.


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