Monday, March 30, 2009

Patience is a virtue . . . but not one of mine

{tiles go from right to left}

"Patience is the companion of wisdom."
-Saint Augustine

I have a confession. I am the least patient person on the planet.
I really like this Israeli cartoon, because if I were a bald little boy, this would be me.
I am trying to work on being a patient person, but every day I find myself tapping my foot or compulsively glancing at the clock.
I also really like this Saint Augustine quote.
I aspire to be wise.
Wisdom is at the top of my list of desirable attributes, because I think all other desirable attributes flow from wisdom.

So, I am resolving to stop my daily dialogue of
"Ugh. David, why won't this person hurry up?"
"Ugh. David, I have THREE more hours of work! The day is SO slow."
"Ugh. David, this picture is taking so long to download. Can you make it go faster?"

. . . or something like that

Basically, I think my husband's sanity depends on my attempt.
I'm going to start working on it. We'll see how it goes . . .


Charlotta-love said... you have patience yet? huh, huh, huh?!

Dana said...

Is David super patient? Maybe it's easier for guys because Ty is the most patient person I've ever known. Luckily, after almost 8 years, some of his patience has begun to wear off on me but I still have a looooooong way to go!

Morgan Cates said...

David is very patient. He is desperately trying to transfer some of his patience to me, but it won't take. I think he is able to be patient because he doesn't get as excited about things in general as I do. I think some of my impatience comes from my anticipation of things. If that makes sense?