Saturday, July 18, 2009

Good Times

This past week we had our GA Tech friends over on Thursday for a game night.

This is about half of the summer studio class.
I thought it would be a good idea to have a little
play time mixed in with all of their hard work!
We ordered pizza and I made homemade blueberry
and blackberry pies . . . yum!

We played taboo all night - great game!

Dvaq was really excited about his turn!

Milan and Jonathan had a picture war.

David looked photogenic, as usual!

But naturally, the girls kicked tail.
I believe the score card reads 1,000 to 5!

After a great game night, we decided to do
dinner and a movie Friday with Jonathan and Milan.
We ate at a great Italian place, called Dolce and saw
the new Harry Potter. It was a late night, but a good one!

I'm grateful that my David takes time out of his crazy
school schedule to spend time with me. It means a lot to me.

I'm really loving Atlanta and all of our great, new friends!

1 comment:

Charlotta-love said...

I really liked the new HP movie. It's one I would actually see again.

Looks like you both are having a great time. :o)