Tuesday, June 23, 2009

And three years later . . .

It's finally here. David's first day as a graduate student in Architecture was yesterday! I drove him to school in the morning and waved goodbye. I felt sad and excited at the same time.
I'm really grateful and excited that he's able to go back to school, but I also know that this is going to be a huge time commitment, and I'm going to miss him.
He will be in school from 9am to 7pm Monday through Friday. I think he may have more breaks during the day once Fall semester starts, but once the projects start rolling in - he could be there till midnight or later! And this is pretty much the routine for three years! We have spent every second together for the last month, so this is going to be an adjustment.
I think once I have a job; it will be a lot easier for us to establish a routine and set aside time to be together. What would be AMAZING is if I could get one of the twenty jobs I've applied for at GA Tech. Then we could see each other for a few minutes every day!
So, separation anxiety aside, I can't express how excited I am about the things he's going to be learning. I can't wait for him to come home and tell me what he's done each day!
Our good friend Joseph came to see us last weekend, and brought with him a wonderful documentary about a famous architect's life and work. Much of the film is sad, but the moments about architecture are beautiful. Watching the film, I became even more excited about what David has the potential to do and be in this field.
So, it's going to be a long three years, but I know if we do it right, it will be totally worth it!

p.s. The film is titled My Architect. Everyone should see this documentary.


sug said...

welcome to my life! well...my husband schedule, i guess...haha the best part is, the busy-ness makes the time FLY by! and it's SO worth it all. YAY for david!

p.s. we'll come visit as soon as boards are done! can't wait!
p.p.s. midnight-nights aren't too bad. esp if you can go to school with him and keep him company! i do!

Morgan Cates said...

Glad to hear it goes by fast! We talked about me going up there to stay with him on long nights - safer that way! Come visit soon!